These Are The Best Questions To Get To Know Someone Based On Their Zodiac Sign
Getting to know someone new can be challenging, especially over the past couple of years as dating has shifted to a mostly online format.
Most conversations on dating apps are dead before they begin if you're even lucky enough to get a response.
Not Everyone Is Comfortable With Casual Conversation
If your usual conversation starters don't seem to be doing the trick with your matches, you should consider switching up your approach and seeing what astrology suggests.

Being an open and engaging conversationalist doesn't come easily for everyone, but there are ways around that.
Astrology Can Tell Us Something About Compatability
Astrology tells us that certain signs, like earth signs, tend to be more cautious when getting to know someone, while fire signs are more confident with the attention on them.

Understanding your date's zodiac sign can help you get to know them on a deeper level earlier on.
Zodiac Signs Offer Clues About The Best Conversation Topics To Try
Astrologers have worked to uncover patterns in different zodiac houses that can offer us insight into what someone might be interested in based on their sign.

It can also help by teaching us how to spark up the right conversations to keep things interesting.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Aries is known for being open to new adventures and experiences driven by passion and excitement.

If you can get an Aries on a topic they are excited about, there's a chance that you'll be stuck on it for a while.
Aries: "What Are You Into Right Now And What Excites You Most About It?"
Aries can become easily bored, so it's a safe bet that they always have at least one or two new projects on the horizon.

They also have a natural ability for engaging storytelling that makes them great for chatting with, if you can find the right common ground.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Taurus is known for being stable, dedicated, and loyal even if they are not always overly chatty.

These characteristics make them great listeners which usually translates well on first dates and meetups.
Taurus: "What Is The One Thing You Always Order At Your Favorite Restaurant?"
Since Taurus isn't exactly racing to open up, it's best to keep the topic light and easy-going.

They usually know exactly what they like and tend to stick to it so they should have an easy answer to what their favorite restaurant and menu dish is.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Geminis are fun, witty, and love a great sense of humor.

They have a natural curiosity to learn more about other people and what makes them tick, so don't be alarmed if you feel like your Gemini is asking you way more questions than you're asking them.
Gemini: "What's A Great Book That You Have Read?"
Gemini's chatty and clever personality means they like to be challenged in conversation.

Ask them something that will stimulate their intellect or open a wider conversation about bigger topics. Asking about a favorite book is a good way to open those doors.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
The Cancer zodiac sign is motivated by their powerful emotions and close connections with family and friends.

They are understanding and empathetic, making them one of the best signs to talk to if you need someone to listen.
Cancer: "Who Would Be Your Dream Dinner Guest, Dead Or Alive?"
Since Cancer values their family and home zones so highly, try asking them about something to do with hospitality and entertaining.

A question like, "Who would be your dream dinner guest, dead or alive?" opens up your conversation allowing it to go multiple directions.
Leo (July 23-August 22)
Leos are confident, bold, and self-assured. Asking them something a little less straightforward will pique their curiosity and maybe even earn you some respect.

It's best to avoid heavy topics with a Leo at first since they don't have much patience for other people's negativity.
Leo: "What Is A Crazy Conspiracy Theory That You Think Could Be True?"
Try asking Leo a more broad question like, "What's a crazy conspiracy that you think could have some truth to it?"

This gives you both a chance to see how open-minded one another is and gives Leo a chance to flex some of their knowledge, you might be surprised to learn something new.
Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Just like the other Earth signs, Virgos are driven and hardworking, but they maintain a unique inclination for perfection.

They are usually goal-driven and have a knack for helping other people achieve their own goals.
Virgo: "What Accomplishment Are You Most Proud Of?"
A good way to get a Virgo to open up is by asking them about something they have accomplished recently.

They take pride in their work and should be willing to chat at length about an accomplishment they are proud of if you're willing to listen and ask questions.
Libra (September 23-October 22)
Lovely Libra is ruled by Venus which means that they are romantics at heart with a great appreciation for all things aesthetic and beautiful.

They usually have a good sense of art, culture, and places worth traveling to.
Libra: "What's The Most Beautiful Place You Have Visited?"
Libra loves to chat about adventures and new cultural experiences, so it's a safe bet to ask them about an exciting or beautiful place they have visited.

You could exchange travel stories or add somewhere new to your own list based on their recommendation.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
Scorpio can be a wildcard while you're getting to know them, especially if they're interested in dating you.

Sometimes they are mysterious and intense and other times they are focused on showing off their intellect and passions to see whether you are compatible.
Scorpio: "Which One Of Us Would Throw A Better Party And Why?"
Scorpio can chat at length about a topic they are interested in, but it would serve you better to challenge them in some way—they love a little bit of competition.

Try asking something like, "Which one of us would throw a better party and why?" Suddenly, your convo has opened up to guest lists, dinner menus, and showing off your social skills.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Sagittarius is hard to pin down and loves to keep their schedule full, so it's a good sign if they are making time for dates and getting to know you.

Most Sags are experienced adventurers, but their independence and loud personality can scare partners off sometimes.
Sagittarius: "What's The Craziest Thing You Have Ever Done That You Would Never Want Your Parents To Know?"
Sagittarius can become aggressive when impassioned about something so it's best to avoid any potentially controversial topics.

Instead, ask them about their wildest adventure story that they would never tell their parents, then buckle up.
Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
Capricorn is logical and prefers to build and accomplish things in a technical manner.

They often value their work goals and personal projects above all else and can become borderline obsessed with something they are interested in.
Capricorn: "Is The Job You're Doing Now The One You Always Wanted? What Do You Like About It?"
Since Capricorn is passionate about their work, asking them about something to do with their career can open up multiple topics of conversation.

Ask Capricorn whether the job they are doing now is the one they always wanted to, or if they're still working toward another goal. They are usually always hustling in some way.
Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
Dating an Aquarius is awesome because they are one of the most open-minded, out-going signs when it comes to getting to know people.

They are full of genuine curiosity but some Aquarians are enthusiastic and active while others are more calm and sensitive.
Aquarius: "What Was Your Biggest Now Or Never Moment?"
Asking an Aquarius the right question is a good way to figure out what their values and perspectives are without digging too deep.

A question about a "now or never" moment will give them a chance to tell you how comfortable they are with impulsivity.
Pisces (February 19-March 20)
Pisces is known for their emotional intellect, their "head-in-the-clouds" personality, and sometimes their tendency to love mystic and other-worldly things.

This makes them a great person to have a conversation with because there's almost nothing too weird for them to have an opinion on or interest in.
Pisces: "What's The Most Interesting Dream You Have?"
Pisces are big dreamers who have many wishes and aspirations, sometimes too many to count.

They also love to reminisce and search for meaning, so ask Pisces about a weird dream they have. They may tell you about a goal, or about a dream they have when they sleep, it's hard to say.
Dating Is All About Compatability
Every person is different regardless of their zodiac sign, but astrology does offer some useful insight into how certain topics are more exciting to some signs than others.

Did you find your sign's question interesting or easy to answer?