Brutally Honest Signs That You Settled For Someone
It's always easier to look back at a toxic or dead-end relationship and pinpoint all the places where it went wrong.
It's much harder to notice that you've settled for someone while you're still seeing them. Thankfully, there are certain signs you can watch out for to help you decide if it's time to pull the plug on your situationship.
It's Hard To Picture A Future With Them
Sure, things may be going fine at this stage, but can you really see yourself making plans with this person in the long run?

If you find yourself hesitating to invite this guy to future events because there might be someone else you'd rather go with, it's best to admit that to yourself early on.
You Don't Feel Any Nerves About The Relationship
Heading into any new relationship with tons of anxieties and fears about moving forward is a major red flag.

But it can also be a bad sign if you don't experience any nerves at all.
You're Overly Comfortable Because You Don't Care If Things Don't Work Out
Your "gut feelings" can be signs of your intuition. A lack of nerves means that you're comfortable, which is usually a good thing.

However, it could also mean that you don't really care if things don't work out which is a sign that you may not be as into the relationship as you thought.
You Don't Feel Excited To See Them
Maybe you're in a rut and find yourself losing interest in making plans or getting together with the person you're seeing.

If you lose the excitement to see them, it could be time to call it quits instead of stringing yourself and someone else along.
You Always Get Stuck Making The Plans
Are you always the one who has to make the plans? Being responsible for keeping your relationship moving forward can get exhausting fast.

If you find that you are always the one who is initiating plans, it's a sign that you have settled for someone who doesn't have the same commitment to you as you do to them.
You Don't Ever Get Jealous
Being able to control your jealous emotions is a sign of great emotional maturity.

Still, if you never experience any jealous emotions that need controlling, it could be born out of a dullness or boredom with your relationship.
You Don't Feel Protective Over Them
Jealousy is often a toxic and unhealthy trait that can sabotage relationships from within. It's easy to lose trust when jealous emotions arise.

If you have never experienced any of these emotions in your relationship, it might mean that you're comfortable, but it could also signal that you have stopped having an emotional attachment to the relationship.
You Have Stopped Putting In Effort To Get Ready
It's never good to reach the stage in your relationship when you completely give up on wanting to put in an effort to see your partner or go out on a date.

Being comfortable in your sweat suits together is great, but it shouldn't be the standard.
You Prefer Your Friends' Company
When you have spare time and find that you're always trying to occupy it with plans with friends, maybe it's because you're avoiding your relationship.

If you always escape your relationship stresses by hanging out with friends, it's a sign that your love life is holding you back.
You're Feeling Trapped
When you start to recognize that you are feeling "trapped" or confined in your relationship, it's a major indicator that you have settled for someone who is not helping you reach your full potential.

Relationships should be supportive, not restrictive.
You're Easily Annoyed By Their Behavior
Do you ever find yourself annoyed by the little things your partner is doing that shouldn't be so bothersome?

It might have less to do with who your partner is as a person and more to do with you not being compatible with them.
You Are Making Compromises To Make Things Work
You know what you like in a partner, are you making compromises for this one?

For instance, if you usually hate cigarettes but are dating someone who smokes, ask yourself why and whether it's worth it.
You Need More Space
When you're away from your partner for a while, it should encourage you to want to see them sooner than later.

If you find that you're enjoying your alone time and dreading your time together, it's probably time to cut ties.
You Feel Bored Or Restless
Plain and simple, when you find yourself bored in your relationship, it is never a good sign.

You should never have to nag or beg your partner to do things with you to keep things exciting, they should want to do those things of their own free will.
You're Making Excuses For Their Behavior
You shouldn't have to constantly make excuses for your partner's behavior to convince yourself and others that it's acceptable if it's not.

If they are always bailing at the last minute, call them out on it instead of just taking it in stride.
Your Intimacy Is Suffering
This is one of the most important signs that things might not be working out in your relationship.

If you find yourself uninterested in hooking up, it could mean that your attraction has faded away.