Reasons He’s Ignoring You Even Though He’s Interested In You
Usually, when a guy starts ignoring you, it's an immediate red flag. The person you're interested in should be equally as interested in you and be willing to show you that.
However, just because someone is ignoring you doesn't always mean that they are not interested. Sometimes it's more complicated than that.
Being Ignored Doesn't Always Look The Same
Being ignored and being talked down to are two different things.

Getting left on read can sting, but it's not the same as someone actively belittling you or making you feel unworthy. It's an important difference to note.
There Could Be More Than One Reason He's Not Answering
If the person you're dating is going out of their way to make you feel bad about certain things, it's time to cut ties.

But if your major issue is that the guy you're into is ignoring you, there could be more to the story.
Mixed Signals Are Tiring When You're Dating
So you're pretty sure that the guy you're talking to is into you, he's giving you all the right signals except for the times when he ignores you.

You're probably wondering, what gives? Mixed signals can be exhausting so we're breaking it down for you—from a guy's perspective.
He Has A Busy Social Life
The first and most obvious reason he left you on read is that he's busy.

His social life may look a lot different than yours and introducing a new relationship into that can be hard for some guys. It may take them time to train themselves to answer you in a timely fashion.
There's No Excuse For Him Ignoring You In Person
Being ignored over text and being ignored in person are also very different situations. It may feel the same, but the reality is that being ignored over text is not nearly as rude as when it happens in person.

There are other factors that could have stopped him from answering a text, but there isn't really an excuse in person.
He's Trying To Play Hard To Get
Another common reason that he might be ignoring you or taking too long to answer is that he's playing hard to get.

It's not a method that works often because a lot of women don't have time for games, but that doesn't mean he won't try it.
He Likes The Feeling Of Being Chased
It's possible he just likes the chase and wants to make sure that you're interested enough to show him that he has your attention.

But be warned, this game can get old fast and it might be worth telling him you don't have the patience for it.
He Doesn't Think He Has A Chance With You
A guy could be ignoring you because he thinks that he doesn't really have a chance with you and so he's not putting in the effort.

Make sure you communicate your interest, and if he still doesn't catch on, he's not worth your time.
He's Genuinely A Bad Communicator
Some men are not used to communicating the way that a relationship deserves, especially if they have been single for a while.

It's important to tell him that communication is a big part of a relationship and that it's a turnoff when he doesn't answer you.
He's Mad At You For Something
If he's being petty and cold-shouldering you, it could be from a place of anger or frustration.

It's still not a good enough reason to ignore you, but it's possible that instead of simply voicing his frustrations, he's choosing the silent treatment.
His Attention Is Focused On Someone Else
Even though you could be vibing with someone, you never know what else is going on in their life.

If someone else has his attention, he may be trying to divide it between you and them.
He's Not Interested In A Relationship
Mixed signals can surface when he has no clue what he wants. He's attracted to you and the idea of you, but he's just not ready for a relationship.

Instead of telling you that flat-out, he might be stringing you along to see whether you're interested in a casual hookup arrangement.
Be Clear With What You're After
Instead of waiting around and wondering why on earth he's not answering you, make a plan to communicate your wants.

Once he understands the importance of responding to you, there's no excuse to leave you feeling forgotten.
You Know Your Worth, He Should Measure Up
If you can definitely say that he's ignoring you for any other reason, it's time to call it quits.

Even the reasons listed above aren't excusable, but they do offer a bit more context and can be resolved with compromise.