Women Share What We Want All Men To Stop Doing Immediately
Men. You can't live with them and you can't live without them. But sometimes, guys do things that get on our nerves and we wish we could shake some sense into them.
So from things that women find annoying to things men don't realize are actually harmful behaviors, women on Reddit got candid about what they want men to stop doing, and it was an eye-opening discussion.
The Reddit Post
Reddit user slipz4001 took to Reddit and asked, "Women of Reddit: What would you like all men to stop doing, immediately, as of right now?"

From how to interact with women to taking care of their own health, dozens of valid points were made, and here are some of the top-voted answers. So, men, pay attention.
Unsolicited Dick Pics
"Been alive for 43 years. Can't tell you how easy it has been to never send anyone a picture of my penis." —ThisTimeJust30rock / Reddit

If you're a guy and are wondering whether a woman you're interested in would like a random photo of your dick, as a woman, I can assure you she does not.
Our Time Of The Month
Women also said that one of their biggest pet peeves is when men ask if it's our time of the month when we're upset.

"Or asking 'does it HAVE to be now' when periods come at an inconvenient time. Idk, does your hair have to grow right now? Do you really have to eat every day?" —Redqueenhypo / Reddit
Seeking Mental Health Help
When experiencing negative symptoms one should seek medical care, and users say the same thing applies to our mental health, which is often overlooked due to a stigma.

"My job was not so slowly killing me. I genuinely didn't realize how much I had changed. Sort of a frog in a boiling pot of water situation I think. She [my fiancée] finally said 'You've changed, it's killing you, I miss you, please just quit. I don't care it is means mac 'n cheese and nothing fun for a while.' Holy s***. Talk about a slap of reality." —KhaosElement / Reddit
Victim Blaming
Women also said they want men to stop suggesting that women who've been sexually assaulted/harassed deserved it because of what they were wearing, or simply misunderstood the situation.

"He's actually a really nice guy when you get to know him." —youDingDong / Reddit
Weaponized Incompetence
Other women said that "weaponized incompetence" is something that men need to stop. This refers to men pretending not to know how to do tasks that are seen as womanly, such as cooking or laundry.

"We know what you are doing. We know that you know this stuff needs to get done and that you're capable of doing it. No one was born knowing how...to do these tasks. F***ing stop it with the excuses, you’re an adult." —ConnieLingus24 / Reddit
Challenge Accepted
Women also suggested that when they let men down gently and tell them they're not romantically interested, men shouldn't automatically see it as a challenge to pursue them further.

"Just because some poor woman finally relented after you harassed her, doesn’t mean all women want you to harass them until they change their minds. Anyone who persists like that is either pathetic or predatory." —obviouspuzzle / Reddit
Alpha Males
Others said that men referring to themselves as an "alpha male" is something they want men to stop doing because it sounds stupid and reeks of insecurity.

"As Tywin Lannister once said 'Any man who must say 'I am the king' is no true king.'" —CanadianWarlord27 / Reddit
Shirking Childcare Duties
There's a saying that it takes a village to raise a child and any parent knows how true that is. But just because women give birth doesn't automatically mean childcare duties come more naturally to women than men.

"Yep. My uterus makes it easier to change diapers. And making a baby bottle? My uterus told me to read the directions on side of the formula can." —Trexballerina / Reddit
Equating Porn With Real-Life Sex
"Treating the stuff they see on porn hub as if it's realistic. Internet porn is not sex ed fellas, nor is it real life. Talk to your partner; communication is key to good sex for both partners." —catls234 / Reddit

"Yes. Attention men: sawing your hand in and out of a vagina is not erotic or even bearable. Stop it. Stop it a lot." —onmyknees4anyone / Reddit
Keep Your Hands To Yourself
It goes without saying that you should keep your hands to yourself, and that consent is always key. Women said they wish men would keep their hands to themselves and respect their boundaries.

"If you aren't my husband [or romantic partner] you have no business touching my waist or lower back. Ever. Stop that now." —gainswor / Reddit
Love And Affection
While showing love and affection to your significant other is important, other women said that men showing that same level of emotion and affection to their male friends is just as important and there's nothing unmasculine about it.

"Stop being afraid to show your fellow bros affection, love, and care. It's not gay." —Silent_Push_1413 / Reddit
Asking Women Out In Inappropriate Situations
When it comes to asking a woman out on a date, users said it's crucial that guys first read the room—does she look like she wants to be left alone, or is she at work?

"Never met a couple whose 'how we met' story was “I [crept] up on her while she was waiting for the bus & kept gesturing at her to take out her headphones until she agreed to go out with me.'" —veronica_sawyer_89 / Reddit
She's Just Not Into You
"When I say I'm lesbian I would love for them to stop saying 'you just haven’t met the right guy yet' or 'I can change you if you give me one night with you' it’s disgusting and makes me more of a lesbian." —D3m0nkash1 / Reddit

"My favorite response is to say, 'Maybe YOU haven't met the right man yet. Have you ever had gay thoughts?'" —river_rose / Reddit
Thinking You're Entitled To Sex
Another thing brought up was men blaming women for why they don't get laid and then slut shaming them, particularly when men lash out because a woman said they don't want to have sex.

"Guys only call woman [derogatroy names] when the woman hasn't slept with them."
Go See Your Doctor
When it comes to medical issues, that's one thing that should never be ignored.

"My partner has been ignoring a problem with his eye and never saw a doctor and had an appointment last year but missed it as he felt he couldn't miss a few hours of work. He was seen and his sight can now be saved. If he'd have left it he could have gone blind." —leebling / Reddit
Stop Protecting Predators
"Stop protecting bad men. I just want to be able to go to work and not be harassed and be able to go for a run at night and not worry about being attacked. To drink too much and not have to worry about being assaulted. I want to be safe." —TudorRose100 / Reddit

"I swear so many men are only 'feminist' to your face, but as soon as they're with their buddies it's a different story. Also dismissing [things] as 'just a joke.'" —nope_plzstop / Reddit
Skin Care Routines
Many users commented on the importance of men not overlooking their physical and mental health, and that also includes taking care of the body's largest organ—your skin.

"Dudes probably also need to realize that doing some traditionally 'feminine' things isn't a bad thing. Smelling nice and looking a bit less haggard can’t ever be bad." —TreatmentSupreme / Reddit
Giving And Receiving Compliments
"Some local radio DJs in my area were just talking about how men wish women would compliment them more and the female DJ chimed in and said 'yeah we can't do that because every man assumes we're trying to have sex with them if we're nice to them'. Took the words right out of my mouth!" —sleepydancingqueen / Reddit

"Stop telling girls to smile. Shut. The. F***. Up." —SmokeMethailSatan / Reddit
Invalidating Our Experiences And Mansplaining
"Invalidating women's experiences because they're not men's experiences. I'm specifically thinking of sexual harassment...and medical issues, where we say we had [an] experience at work or the supermarket...and a man feels the need to jump in and say it never happens because they've never seen it." —ngatiara / Reddit

"Stop turning every conversation with me into a lecture about something. You're just talking at me...I’m referring to men who decide the women they’re speaking to definitely don’t know anything about a particular topic and need to learn now." —themarchgirl / Reddit